Growing Strong: Nurturing Resilience and Well-Being in Children’s Mental Health

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Month on month, year on year, more and more people we know are suffering from mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, and a plethora of other illnesses. Have you ever stopped to wonder why? I am mother of 2 boys and try to give importance to their mental health as much as I do for their physical one. Teaching your kids to develop mental strength isn’t about telling them to push their limits or training them not to cry in difficult situations. Instead, the focus should be on raising a child with the necessary social and emotional abilities. Children with good mental resilience can readily accept new tasks.
They don’t face much difficulty in adjusting to the new surroundings, and they try to solve any problems on their own. Even if they are unsuccessful in completing these tasks, they see their failures positively and psychologically to get ready for the next one. Adolescence is a time when young people are struggling to fit in, socially and emotionally. They are especially vulnerable to bullying, social ostracization, family dysfunction, problems in school, and trauma, any of which may trigger a mental health issue. But introspection — or self-reflection — can spark insight, which can alter the way we see ourselves and those around us. Studies show “turning inward” can strengthen our emotional intelligence, which can make it easier for us to cope with life’s challenges. 
These gen Z kids do not have patience to listen motivational videos or to meditate etc.  Their busy schedules schools, extra classes, sports, screen etc. consume their energy and interests.  However, one of the best ways I found to motivate them and helping them affirm positivity in their lives were these amazing artifacts by Home – Motivational Gifts. Positivity Cube: Focus – Motivational Gifts is such an innovative way to let your child understand the value of gratitude, focus and perseverance. Everyday they will see this cube, positive quotes and affirmations while studying on their study table and very soon, consciously or sub consciously they will instill the positivity.

What is self-reflection?

Self-Reflection is taking the time to think about, meditate on, evaluate, and give serious thought to your behaviors, thoughts, attitudes, motivations, and desires. If everyone were perfect, pencils wouldn’t need erasers. Erasing is part of learning.

Why is it important to self-reflect?

Self-reflection is the key to self-awareness: it allows us to look neutrally at our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions. Through this practice, we can look at ourselves with newfound interest and curiosity.

It is not the straw that broke the camel’s back. It was the camel’s unwillingness to let go of the other burdens it was carrying. Sometimes life gives us challenges to force us to re-prioritize what is important and to let go of what is not.

So thankful to Home – Motivational Gifts for curating such thoughtful and innovative products.

I can sum up my gratitude for them as below –“Give light and people will find the way.”

This truly defines the spirit behind Home – Motivational Gifts. Grab your incredible motivation now.